Are you being Heard?


Hi Everyone. Something hit up my mind and I thought why not share it with you all? After all, we love relatable stuff, don’t we?

I have a question for you!! Ready to answer?

Hey don’t worry, it’s a simple one. 


umm…Yes, Simple but Strong!

And very important. Don’t you dare skip that!

Do you ever feel that you need to speak out, actually vent out so many things and you don’t have anyone to talk to? You’re surrounded by zillions of thoughts, millions of strangers, thousands of acquaintances, hundreds of relatives, and a few friends, and still you feel you’ve no one to talk to?

I’m not blaming you, I feel the same. So, it’s okay not to be okay and feel this. We have a stringent thought process that forces us to think that we don’t have anyone to talk to, but that’s temporary and it gets over as soon as someone calls you up and just genuinely ask you, ‘How are you, tell me?’ or ‘Are you okay?’ and when that person asks you this, you just break down and vent your heart out. You feel lucky to have that person and everything seems good. With that heartful conversation, you feel content and happy again. This is a circle in which we humans are trapped.

There are nights when you lie down and your eyes are filled up with tears sometimes for a reason and sometimes for nothing specific. I feel that the time when you lie down on your bed is the most important time of your day. That’s when you’re most truthful to yourself. That’s when you genuinely think about what’s going on in your life. That’s your actual self-time. We are so occupied during the day and we tend to wear a mask knowingly or unknowingly, sometimes in front of our colleagues, sometimes in front of our family, and sometimes in front of our friends and loved ones. 

They won’t abandon us if we directly say to them what’s hurting us. We can share anything and everything with our loved ones. But you know what do we do? We rather wait for them to ask, and keep shut. We don’t just shut our mouth but we also shut numerous other moments that we could have enjoyed happily, without any stress and overthinking. Don’t you think we need to cut on that?

I have a habit of keeping my phone away while sleeping. But when I lie down at night then a train of thought will cross my mind. And, they are not just bad thoughts or overthinking but sometimes they are such beautiful thoughts. So beautiful that I feel I need to pen it down somewhere. I keep my promise and I don’t touch my phone but I feel that I should sleep with a pen and diary so that I can write every single word that comes into my mind. At that time, suddenly all my fatigue waves off. I feel refreshed and the only thing that I need is a pen and paper but then I am way too lazy to get it. So, I keep lying letting the thoughts flow. They are super-fast. I sometimes feel saying to my thoughts, "Please STOP, stop right here, stay for a while. Let me enjoy you, let me accept you, let me grasp everything you have to offer, let me take every bit of you, let me embrace you, let me just remember you, please don’t go away". And it goes in a flash, and sometimes I repent not jotting it down.

Do you know what’s the sole reason for all these thoughts? It’s because we don’t give ourselves time to process our feelings. These thoughts are so fast because our feelings are not in sync with time. It’s that little bedtime we offer our souls to think about what’s going on in life. Don’t you think we need to offer ourselves a little more time and a little more kindness?

ARE YOU BEING HEARD?  is not just a question but an emotion that obligates you to think for yourself, to ask yourself about yourself? To not blame others for not listening to you but to question yourself, if you ever had the guts to face the reality and trust your love and take the initiative to go to your people and vent your heart out and if you feel there’s no one, then at least talk to yourself, listening to yourself and penning down your thoughts so that your mind can synchronize everything your heart has to say. Everything needs time to get processed; including your emotions.

Go out to your people and say everything you have to. If they love you, they will listen to you wholeheartedly, they won’t think low of you. They will value you as much and they will be proud of you that you have the courage to speak for yourself. Believe me, they are just a call/text away. They are eveready to rescue you. 

If by any chance you don’t have anyone around you, then instead of waiting for anyone to come and ask you, Listen to your own self before others listen to you. Give yourself a chance to self-heal. It will start making much more sense than anything has ever made. 

Since you’ve read all this, it’s a gentle nudge to ask yourself again, ‘ARE YOU BEING HEARD?’

And this time, I hope you get a better answer. 

Until Next Time…

P.S.: If you ever need to share anything with me, then I’m all ears. We’re a family. And I’m good at keeping secrets 😉


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