I often wonder when people are being called self-made, is that true?

Does “self-made” really exist? 

Yes, we went through all the hardships

Yes, we struggled a lot

Yes, we faced tough times

Yes, we felt alone at times

Yes, we burnt the midnight oil

Yes, we worked hard

Yes, we sacrificed sleep

Yes, we lost the sense of time

Yes, we stumbled

Yes, we fell

But was that all alone?

Have you never got a hand offering help?

Have you never found the shoulders to lean on and cry?

Have you never got someone who heard you at your toughest?

Have you never had anyone’s back?

Have you never got that one piece of advice that changed your life?

Have you never gotten the guidance that you were seeking when you did not know what to do?

Was there nobody to just support you?

I’m sure you had that one person in your life. And that one person helped you build yourself.

That person could be a friend, your family member, your work colleague, or a stranger. But what matters is we should never forget the people who were there for us during our hard times.

They have made us.

Our parents sent us to school. Some people would argue that it was their responsibility. But “NO”, they could have chosen not to, but they prioritized our education as they realized its importance in our life. 

It’s not anybody’s duty to please us or oblige us, it’s their generosity that matters and we should never forget that. 

We should never keep a blind eye to the people who supported us during our tough times. Because if we do, then it’d be an insult to their service and offerings in our life. 

Be grateful for the people in your life, 

Respect them,

Never take them for granted

and never forget their contribution.

Nobody is “Self-Made” as there’s always a helping hand, a support system, a good listener, and someone strengthening you to the core.

Give it some thought and do let us know if you hold a different opinion. I’d definitely want to listen and understand. 

Until Next Time,

Let’s LifeZig ❤️


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