What's your Cool?

Hey lovelies, I hope you’re having a great time by Enjoy this New Year 2021 to the fullest. In this New Year, I wish you all much strength to think and do something OUT OF THE BOX and face everything that comes in your way with Courage. I'm sure you all will ROCK IT!! Today, I’ve come up with another interesting article. You might be thinking about the title - “What’s your cool?”, Well I would suggest you read it yourself to know about “your cool”.

When we are young, we get influenced by the people around us - be it our friends, our teachers, our family, and not to forget the virtual world - i.e. Actors of movies and web series. Whatever different they do, seems cool to us.

If we see our friends smoking, we find it cool, we also want to “try” that cool thing. When we see our teacher cracking witty jokes over some of the students, we adapt that too. We try doing the same with our friends and younger ones as well. If we see our parents arguing on any topic and using obscene language, we apply the same in our next fight with our siblings or friends. The most impactful are actors, whatever they do becomes a trend. Whatever they wear, becomes the most stylish attire, whatever they say becomes dialogues that people usually cling onto and in whichever way they dance, it becomes the signature step for youngsters.

This is the extent to which our surroundings influence us. We must have heard that “A person is the sum total of five people around him”, i.e. those five people with whom he spends most of his time. I really find this statement true. We truly adapt everything from them be it good or bad. Also, Social media has been a new addition to the list. We get so much influenced by it too. 

We also want to do that “cool” thing. But the question is why do we find such things “cool”? 

I think, its because they are different from normal. And for today’s generation, whatever that’s different from normal is either cool or not so cool.

So, When I was a little young, I also wanted to do everything with all high spirits. Like, I wanted to try smoking, and to try vodka, and alcohol, but there was something that was stopping me from doing that. I had opportunities when I could try all those things that I found “cool”, but I refrained from doing that. 

Can you guess what was that?

It was the influence of the morals that my family had inculcated in me. Our family is our closest and truest companion and whatever they do and say impacts us a lot. We might not realize the value of their wisdom or the morals they engrave within us but these morals definitely help us in each phase of our life.

But with time, I gained maturity and the influence of time changed my definition of “COOL”. The things that I found cool are not cool to me anymore but a mere piece of shit. The maturity that we gain over time actually acts as a filter for us, it removes the dirty or unimportant things from our Life’s To-do list or our bucket list. It actually saves us so much time.

My “Cool” has changed over time. Now, I don’t want to have vodka and try beer. Nor do I want to smoke, or even try it for once. Thanks, Maturity, you hit me on time!!

Now I want to fly like a bird, Nah not really!! I have my plans, I have a perfect - not so perfect bucket list over which I completely drool off. I’ve thousands of books to read. I’ve so many pending places to visit. I have a sweet family and the perfect superman brother whom I have to make proud. I’ve to write a book. I have a long list…….very very long.

This is how my “COOL” changed. If you also had a similar experience, do share it with me in the comments, or feel free to DM me at Instagram @thelifezig.

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Until next time…..

Take Care, Stay Motivated, Love Yourself and Practice Gratitude!!

Thank you!!


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