Vasudhavia Kutumbakam

What is the one greatest bond of all the bonds?

Bond of love?

Bond with family?



None of the above in my opinion.

I feel the greatest of all the bonds is the bond of humanity.

You don’t have to be friends with someone to share this bond.

That person doesn’t have to be your family or friends.

No school/college friend

Not an office colleague

Not even an acquaintance.


Yes, you can have the bond of Humanity with somebody who’s nobody to you.

Doesn’t it seem beautiful? 

We, humans, were designed to be social animals, helping and growing with each other but over time we have become so selfish, and self-centered. Our world has started revolving around ourselves. All we have started caring about is:

What do I like?

How do I want to live?

What do I want to do?

This is fine in a way but there’s a flip side to it as well.

I, My, Mine, Myself is all around us, in our minds and heart. It has overwhelmed us so much that we are living in a small “My” shell.

Thinking about ourselves is correct, in fact, it should be first priority but thinking only about ourselves is selfish. 

Help others when you feel they need it.

Don’t think twice if you feel somebody needs to be by their side, just go for it.

It could be the smallest of the things like:

  • Helping an old lady to lift her heavy bag

  • Helping a kid to cross the road

  • Being kind to the animals and birds

  • Storing water in a container for birds

  • Offering a seat in a bus/metro to somebody who needs it

These small little things don’t cost us anything but it can make someone else happy. And helping someone in need will make you happy and proud as well.

In Sanskrit there’s a saying called, वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् or “Vasudhavia Kutumbakam”

Vasudha means World or Earth 

Kutumb means Family

Which means "The World Is One Family"

And if the world is one family then please make it a better place to live. Contribute whatever you can do and the rest will be fine. 

We are humans first before being a son / daughter / husband / wife / mother / father / friend.

Be Kind 

Be Generous

Be Humans

Until Next Time

Let’s Lifezig!


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