Are you GUILTY?


Hey you people

It's been so long, I know right. But here we are, with another crazy thought, hope you can relate as well!

Life is a zig-zag, full of ups and downs, we all know that pretty well but do we really understand that?’s the catch, read it again, “Life is a zig-zag, full of ups and downs”, a simple statement but we really need to understand its essence. 

When life is all good, we are happy, we just live in that moment, enjoy that moment and share it with our loved ones. We feel good about it, we feel good about ourselves. When something good happens, we somehow know that it's the result of our own hard work. We are proud of it and we are proud of ourselves even if we don’t admit that we are. 

But when life throws lemons at us then we get to know the reality of ourselves and that’s when we get to know who we actually are, how do we treat the situations, do we really make good decisions or do we just rant about the problem or DO WE FEEL GUILTY?

Do you? 

Do you feel guilty?

Hey, don't be shy. I feel the same. 

I feel we humans have the tendency to categorize everything as binary - good or bad, moral or evil. But life is not binary. It's a yin yang, there’s something good in bad and something bad in good. We either focus on all good or all bad and drown ourselves in the momentum of our thoughts.

Didn’t understand where this came from, right? Read on.

When something bad happens to us, there are two kinds of people - one, who will shift the blame on others, and two, who will accept that they made the mistake but keep on blaming themselves for what happened, even if it's a small thing.

Let’s talk about the latter one, the ones who blame themselves for ALLLL what happened. Here’s the catch, we people understand that we made the mistake be it because of any reason, but we ACCEPT it, and that’s such a graceful act. ACCEPTANCE!! Accepting that you did wrong, accepting that it was your mistake, accepting your failures, and accepting your problems. Acceptance is the most humble deed. Acceptance is the most beautiful gift that we can give ourselves. 

By accepting, we open the door for so many opportunities, the opportunities to grow, the opportunity to learn, and the opportunity to be who you are, to be authentic. But after doing such a graceful act of ACCEPTANCE, we really ruin it. HOW?


Yes, we all do it. “It’s because of me the project failed”, “It’s because of me this thing happened”, “it's because of me he/she left”, “it’s because of me things have changed”.

We have to stop being miserable to ourselves. We have to stop being harsh on ourselves. Things that failed or didn’t work are not because of you, it’s because it was meant to be that way and it’s okay. We can fix everything! You’ve got this!

Ask yourself this question, whenever you’re stuck in such a situation.

Will blaming myself change everything back to normal?

NO, it won’t. So, instead of blaming and guilt-tripping myself. Why don’t I see the good things? Why don’t I see that it could have been worse? Why don’t I see what happened was harmless? Why don’t I see it as an opportunity to know that things can go wrong this way, so next time when you’re engaged in a similar task, you’d be more careful and you’d know WHAT NOT TO DO!

Isn’t it interesting? We all see TO-DO lists, or THINGS TO-DO. But now we know what not to do? It makes sense right?

We have to take care of our mental energy, we need to save it to think of something good. We can’t afford to waste it by thinking rubbish, overthinking, and blaming ourselves. It’s not gonna help anyone.

We need to understand this:


Life is a zig-zag. Full of ups and downs. Accept this. 

We’re humans who are designed to make mistakes. Super Silly Mistakes! Accept this.

You can learn in both your highs and lows. Accept this.

You can fix everything. Accept this.

Accept yourself! 

Accept grace!

Until next time ♥

If you find this post relatable then do share your thoughts in the comment down below and share with your peers. If you have a different way of dealing with this then we’re all ears!!


  1. Nothing can be more relatable than this. Glad to know someone over web who have this kinda talent to pen-down the thoughts in such a graceful and meaningful manner.

    1. I'm glad you liked and appreciated my work. Stay Tuned :)


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