My First Salary

Hey, Lovelies! I hope you had an outstanding weekend. Today I’ll be sharing something very personal, something close to my heart. I feel we can always embrace our good moments and keep them stored in the treasure box of our memories. For me, LifeZig is my treasure box. 

I don't really know if you'd enjoy reading this or not but I just felt like sharing it with you all, My LifeZig Family.

Two days back, I received my first salary. I worked hard for it.

We all work hard during our whole life, right?

Sometimes, during exams, or for our passion, sometimes for our dreams, and sometimes to achieve the Ultimate Goal of our Life.

But this feeling was a little different, I was working hard and money was the appreciation.

For me, Money really doesn't hold the topmost value. Never. 

For me, My Family, My Close Ones, and My Peace matter more.

But doesn't it feel good when you can actually do something for them?

Of Course, the gifts that you buy them don't hold much value but you know what does?

The fact that you've taken the first step towards your financial independence, which has become necessary in today's world.

The time, patience, love, care and money that your family invested in you right from your childhood can never be measured but now they see you growing, they see you working hard as they do. They see you taking up responsibilities and they see you nurturing yourself each day with new lessons that you learn from your workplace and Life indeed.

Their happiness cannot be put into words. For them, you'll always be their kids but they are really proud of you and it's your responsibility to maintain this feeling.

I feel most of the time that it's never a hustle for some people. Like yes, hard work with smart work is the key to most of the things but were you alone during this journey?

By naming this beautiful journey, a hustle I really don't want to lose its essence.

And there are so many people who accompany you during this, I never felt alone.

My parents constantly supported and encouraged me to study. My family is a huge, huge one and they really celebrated each moment of my achievement. The smiles on their faces reflected their belief in me. Their excitement when I discussed my future plans with them really gave me a big boost.

Some of my close friends who were really "friends", were happy with my success. Whenever I felt a little low, they were there to boost me up. They were happy that I was growing, they were excited just like I was. It feels good.

And finally, When it comes to my elder brother. Nobody in this Universe can match him. Literally Nobody. We don't share a bond of blood but we do share a bond of soul. 

While I was in the second year of my college, completely idiot and focusing only on the rubbish things that I myself created, I really felt lost. Focusing on the "sorrows" which were not even there. Maybe it was just in my head. Life has always been kind, it's just that sometimes, we miss noticing that. 

So, While I was just being a trouble maker and obviously not focusing on my future, he was the one, who asked me about my plans. And I was "Completely Clueless". Really? Do I need to think about all of this right now? It's my age to have fun, play and just enjoy.  But he was the one saying, "Yes, girl, You need to think about it now, Right Now". 

It's always our actions that define us. And he poked that call to action in me. 

"DO IT NOW!!" This was the constant thing in my head.

Afterward, We started discussing things and I started to think about my future on a very serious note. For a better future, you need to work on your present. And that's what he taught me.

There were times when I felt vulnerable but then he was always there, My Superman.

There has not been a single time when I felt low and it didn't get sorted after talking to him. He's just like that - a healer.

I definitely have not achieved something big right now but one thing is for sure, I wouldn't be able to achieve this also if I hadn't listened to him. He came like an angel, a guardian and just sorted everything and cleared off my way and made things so simple.

What else one can ask for?

This I'd call the first page of My Diary. The transparent diary that I share with you all.

I just felt like expressing my feelings to all of these people. I might not be the best but I'm definitely better because of you all. Thanks for being there for me and always supporting me.

You know who am I

You know with whom I cry

You know how I thrive

You know what I strive

You know who I see

You know who I become

for you know the rest

and you dig the best 

IN ME...

Lately, I have started having this insane feeling.

Even relationships need maintenance, don't you think so?

I'm working almost all day, mostly for my job, then some personal stuff and my soulful treasure - The LifeZig. It's so important to take time out for everyone who's important to you.

You want to talk to them and be with them but time never stops for anyone. Sometimes, it becomes so difficult to manage all these things along with your precious relationships but I'm trying to figure that out. And I hope I soon will. 

I'm trying my best to maintain and manage all things and keep them in place. 

After all, life is all about learning and growing each day and I'm just trying to get on track.

Hope to meet you soon with another new blog post. So, Stay Tuned and Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to us. Take care, Spead Love and Share with us anything that you want to. We'd love to hear from you in the comments section down below.

Until next time....


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