How to Reward yourself for all the hard work?

Hey there! Hope you had a great time. While we all are so busy fulfilling our goals, we sometimes forget to live and enjoy. Today’s blog post might help you to realize your worth and will definitely help you grasp the importance of rewarding yourself.

We all are running in the race of success and we all want to win. For success is a great triumph that embraces all the people who work hard and wraps them up in its glory.

But don’t you think while working towards our goal and finding success, we forget the little things in life. All we focus on is on that ultimate goal of ours, that will give us happiness but here’s the thing, we can achieve our goal by enjoying the happiness in every step of it. While working our ass off to finding the “happiness” which we think is the ultimate “happiness”, we can still enjoy the little sweet moments of life.

Our end goal is what we all want to achieve, and we make it the center of our lives, we tend to work for it day and night. Many times we ignore the tiny little thing in which lies the immense beauty of life.

While working for our goal, we get so much indulged in it that we forget how to live. Working is a necessity but living is to flourish and prosper in Happiness. Living is enjoying what you do. Living is enjoying every bit of life. Living is to find beauty even in minute activities.

We do so much for a “goal” which indeed is important but you know what? We can reward ourselves by enjoying the simplicity of life. Yes, Living to the fullest is the reward that we can give ourselves for all the hard work that we do for a perfect “living”.

All those who have a goal are very familiar with the organized approach involved in it and those who seriously want to achieve it definitely abide by that approach. In any organized approach, our work is divided into small parts. We make to-do lists, we make daily, a weekly or monthly planner that helps us every day to get closer to our aim. And I’m sure, for each step we all burn the candle at both ends, we all work our fingers to the bone. So, for this much of earnest backbreaking work, a small token of appreciation might be a sound idea.

We all deserve this reward, because these little rewards in our lives motivate us to do better and also helps us to realize our worth. This is the perfect technique to recognize our own work. We become our own mentors and reward ourselves for the admirable work that we have done.

Don’t you think so?

But now the question arises, how can we reward ourselves? And I’m glad that this hit your mind, because it shows how much you liked this idea.

Well, don’t worry, I’ll tell you some ways to reward yourselves. Here are they:

1.      Do something that you love – sing or paint or sketch

2.      Go for a walk, enjoy nature.

3.      I know this one is very crazy but if it’s raining then go ahead, feel the rain, drain yourself in it.

4.      Go cook your favorite dish and enjoy its taste or just go outside to have it or just order online.

5.      Dance is the expression of heart, I know many of us don’t know the steps, but how does it even matter. Just dance out, you’ll really feel good.

6.      Chocolates, well, who doesn’t like them? Go on, have your favorite one!

7.      Spend some time with your family, talk to them. Have laughter therapy with them, believe me, it’s the best.

8.      Watch the movie that you always wanted to but didn’t had the time for it.

9.      Call your best friend, the best remedy ever to forget all your fatigue.

10.   Play something that you love maybe cricket or football or badminton, anything!

11.   Read a book. This is the best gift that you can give yourself.

12.   Treat yourself, maybe a good hair massage, think about it!

13.   Take a bath; it’s soothing after a long day at work.

14.   Make your bucket list if you haven’t till now

15.   Imagine the best future you want to have, and jot it down.

16.   You might also consider reading the contents of “The LifeZig”, for it’s all for you and absolutely free. 😜

      I hope that all my readers will take this seriously and will work towards it. It’s so simple guys, and we all deserve this importance and only we are capable to give this to ourselves.

I hope you enjoyed this one and now you’ll reward yourself for all the lovely things that you do. If you enjoyed this blog post, share it with your peers, and subscribe to The LifeZig.


Until next time………

Stay Safe and Stay Tuned.

Thank you!!


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