The Supreme Power of “Change”

Change is the necessity of existence. But we humans don’t like changes much, because it takes some extra effort to amend our ways and switch to something new. We find it challenging and it becomes hard for us to cope up with it.

I’d like to classify changes into two types, positive changes and negative changes. Changes that bring a positive impact on our lives are positive changes and those which impact us negatively are called negative changes. Here, we will be specifically talking about positive changes.

The purpose of change is improvement. And improving ourselves will always be helpful, don’t you think so?  But still why are we so hell bent on not wanting any new change in our life. Why are we so keen on following our old routine?

We must be always willing to accept our flaws and change ourselves for the better. We have to change our habit of “not changing” in order to be successful.

Change is an inevitable cycle with which we have to cope up in order to stay updated.

We all expect others to change their ways and thought of line according to us. But can we really do this for someone else?

We want others to change according to our will but at the first place we must be willing to adapt to these changes that we tend to find in others.

As we grow, we become more experienced and we start to think that we are right at our place, and we seldom accept any change. We become stubborn in some way. It becomes hard to change ourselves as we grow old.

So it’s better to inculcate in ourselves the habit of “change” from the very beginning.

I am not saying that you should change for others.

No, Never!!

You must change for yourself and for your betterment.

Sometimes, it might seem that others want to change you. But the first question that should strike in your head must be, “Is this change making me a better person?”

If the answer is yes, then you must go for it. There is no harm in accepting something new and getting better.

Don’t change if your conscience doesn’t permit you to or if your conscience says that it’s a bad change. Don’t ever do it.

So, here we come up with a short questionnaire which we must think before accepting or rejecting any change.

1.      Can this change impact my life negatively in any aspect?

2.      Will I gain anything from this change?

3.      Will it make me a better human being?

This will help you to get a clear picture and choose what’s right for you.

But change always brings joy, in your life as well as in the life of your closed ones. Because your loved ones will always be delighted to see you happily growing.

Here, I am presenting another aspect of change that we can consider. This is something which I have learnt with time.

We are the young generation, we have access to new technologies, and especially the internet and most importantly, we know how to use it wisely as well. This is the reason behind our rationality. We are open to so many resources and keep ourselves updated.

But it’s not important that our parents or grandparents i.e. our older generation, know the same things as well, or they are familiar with the same technology as we are today. Similarly, there are some things that we are not aware of.

Sometimes, we tend to be more logical, because logic is the new practice of today. And it’s not at all a bad thing. Being rational is good and healthy too.

But our older generation is very conservative. They tend to follow their old practices and hold the traditional values or myths which we might not believe in. They have utter faith in their practices and thoughts. In their age, if we want them to change their way of thinking, then we are the biggest fools.

Yes, we do expect them to change. I understand this well. For that matter, we can talk to them and present to them our own side, the logical one. And listen to them also. It should be a mutual discussion.

There can be four results following this.

One, We discuss it with them, explain to them all the logic and facts and they understand our perspective and leave their old skin behind. They accept and try this new change.

Two, it’s not necessary that we are always right, we can be wrong as well. A healthy discussion with them might change our perspective on something too. It might get us to the conclusion that we need to change something in ourselves too. And thus, we can change ourselves.

Three, but what if they are reluctant about their views. In this case, we should not force them to change or impose our thoughts on them. We should simply respect their experience and do what we find is right and let them do what they find good.

And Four, we explain them and they understand that there’s a need for change. But they still choose to be in their old shoes. In this case, we can provoke them and help them with that new change. But still, if they find their old ways comfortable then we must not poke them and let them do whatever they are comfortable with.

Always remember, challenging them at their age, is not a good idea. It can cause trouble and can hamper your relationship with them. Just respect their faith and thoughts and move forward with your thoughts.

Now, coming to the conclusion, I strongly believe that “Acceptance is the foundation of change”.

First, you’ll have to accept yourself for who you are,

Then, find out the scope for improvement,

Finally, implement those changes in yourself.

So, go on, surprise your peeps today by accepting yourself for who you are and changing your lives for better.

In the end, I’m leaving you all with a short poetry, which depicts the dilemma of our mind when we come across something new. It shows a small conversation between your mind and soul.


Yes, I’m right

Yes, I’m wrong

Who are you

to change my thoughts

My thoughts I believe

Were my power to whole

But I am stuck

To my old sole

Change myself?

Is this what you want?

Change for you?

And lose me all.


No change for yourself

And you’ll find

Happiness, fun and delight

Change is good

For you, if you could

Accept yourself

For who you are

And you’ll find

Your brand new power

Change is bad

Is a misconception you have

Embrace yourself

To find a better self


With change you find

The little ways to thrive

You’ll yourself ignite

To the path of light

People around you

Will be truly gratified

For you’ve tried

To bear the strike

And you choose

The hike of life


I hope all of you have enjoyed reading this and were able to extract something worth. These were my opinions on changes; please comment down below if you think differently. If you enjoyed this blog post, share it with your peers and subscribe to The Lifezig.

Until next time…




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