For My Support System – I’ve got your back bro!!

 Hello folks.

I hope you all are doing great. Well, today’s blog post is not an ordinary one. It’s for someone very special. It’s for my elder brother and my greatest support system. If you also have such a person in your life, then don’t skip this. I’m sure you’ll be able to relate.

When you do well in life, you’ll attract people. There is a strong reason behind it. I believe that, when you’re doing fantastic at your learning age, it really boosts up your confidence and your positive aura becomes your best pal. Your positive energy attracts people towards you. And at your lowest, you’ll find that there will be very few people because no one wants to be with a negative person. And somehow it’s good as well. This is the world of “practicality”, which teaches us to, “Think about ourselves before anything else.”  This is the subtle law of the universe.

I have a huge respect for the people who stayed at your lowest. They could have chosen not to, but they stayed.  They are also normal human beings, just like you and me. They also want to be surrounded by positivity and positive people.

But the people who stayed during your bad times chose you over all the positivity they could have. For them, you are important and you matter. Their priorities are not based on your vibes. They are the ones who love you from the core of their heart. And only such people “STAY”.

Whenever we listen to something negative, be it news or someone’s sad story or even the demise of an actor whom we have never met, that “negative” thing kinda sticks with us. It upsets us. Even when we hear about the loss of any unknown person, this feeling of dismay sways us. The point that I am trying to make is, even an unknown person can make us feel so mournful, and then can you imagine the effect that a closed one has in our lives? It is a lot more than I can really put into words. So, the people who choose to stay also get affected by our pessimistic behavior but still they stay for us.

Have you heard about dementors? If you’re a Potterhead then I’m sure you must have. So, for those who don’t know, a dementor is an evil creature who sucks all your good and happy memories. And you know who the opposite is? It’s “MENTOR”. And my brother is my “MENTOR”. I’m sure you have such a mentor in your lives.

Whenever I talk to him, it feels like all my negativity has suddenly escaped. It feels like he has collected all of that energy and thrown it very away from me. He has got this power. There are some things that really make him unique and better than others such as, he listens.

Many of you might be thinking, “He just listens? Is that it?” but it’s the most beautiful feeling when someone listens to you. And he listens to me without judging me. We all have many important things to do in our lives, studies or job or anything else. But the most special part is, he takes out time and listens to me whenever I need him. I really pour my heart out in front of him. Sometimes, I really have no words to express things, but he gives me time, to speak up, and to explain things.

A big difference between him and others’ is, whenever I am sad and I just feel like venting out to him, he doesn’t offer me solutions to that problem, he listens quietly to what my soul says. I really don’t even think once before saying anything to him. I don’t need to fake a smile or control my emotions. It’s just serene.

He always say, “It’s absolutely okay not to be okay but what you do after getting well, defines you.” When I feel better after talking to him, I myself ask him, what to do next or how to improve. We discuss the things and he motivates me a lot. That motivation is enough for me to start afresh.

He is the most selfless and transparent person I’ve ever met. Just like a mentor, he tells me flaws and motivates me to improve them. Just like no one is “Perfect”, So am I - completely and utterly flawed. He has really helped me in growing, mentally and emotionally and in every aspect of my life and career.

My older self would have thought – “I am flawed and good for nothing. I should quit”. She would just be wallowing in self-pity. But the present “me” thinks – “I know am flawed but I am gonna change my ways. I’ll improve and grow.”

This is the humungous difference that he has engraved within me.

Whenever I’m stuck somewhere or if anything is disturbing me, his soothing voice says, “Everything will be fine my champ. I’m with you.” And this is the purest and most beautiful feeling I’ve ever had. He’s the one who uplifts me from level 0. He’s the one who pulls me out of every quicksand.

No matter, how much devastated I feel or how much the dark is, he is always the one showing me light. Having done so much for me, neither he takes credit for anything nor does he expect anything in return. Just one of his kind. For him, he’s playing a part in my life, but this is to remind him that it’s the most “beautiful” part. 

“You guided me at every step. Whenever I stumbled, you made sure that I didn’t fell down. But when I did you were always there to offer your helping hand to me. Thanks for being such a beautiful part of my life.”

And guys to your surprise let me just tell you that we both don’t have blood relations. Shocked? Yes, such kind of people does exist. They are selfless and I’m glad he is a part of my life. He always proves the saying true, that, “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” 

This was all for today. Just wanted to thank him for being the way he is.

If you could relate yourself with my words then do share it with your special ones to remind them that they matter and you’ll be always there for them. If you liked the blog post then do share and subscribe to The LifeZig.

Until next time…..

Take Care, Stay Motivated, Love Yourself and Practice Gratitude!!

Thank you!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Behen
      It means a lot to me. Glad to have you in my life


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